It's the last few days before Christmas and Wal-Mart nearby is open 24 hours. I am tempted to go to Wal-Mart in my pajamas at 3:00 in the morning just to be sure they're really doing it.
We all already know the term 24/7 - to refer to 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Some businesses emphasize 365 days a year too. When young executives use that term, they are signaling that they are dedicated. They punctuate it with "110%" dedication, as if it existed. (In the Czech Republic, 24/7 stores are called "non-stop" stores.)
Many businesses don't need to be that way. Even if websites can serve and take orders anytime of day, there is automation that will handle certain tasks. Clients are willing to wait a few hours after an online transaction to hear from a real person. So, most businesses want to be 24/7 because they want to meet all their target clients' time needs.
Some services we take for granted are also 24/7. However, these services are needed. Ambulatory services for example. The fire department, the police and emergency services are all 24/7. Utility companies have to ensure the reliable and safe deliver of power, water and natural gas. The military and armed forces have to keep watch for threats, or fight a war.
My parish church is the first in British Columbia, Canada to start a 24/7 service. Following the scripture where Christ asked his apostles, "could you not wait with me an hour?", our parish started a 24 hour a day vigil of the Blessed Sacrament. It doesn't get much publicity, but it has been going on for close to a decade. In fact, my sister will be there at 11:00-12:00midnight on Christmas Eve.
My thoughts are for all those people who are watching for us and serving us even when we take a day off to celebrate the birth of Christ. For the doctors, nurses, military, police, security guards, parishioners in a vigil, and those caring for others, I wish them rest at some point in this Yuletide Season. God so loves those who look after things for everyone else 24/7 that he announced the birth of Christ to shepherds first.
God rest ye Gentlemen and Ladies who serve us 24/7.
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