Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day 3: Five Best Christmas Commercials

Wish 3: Great Stories

A commercial, if done well, tells a compelling story in just thirty to sixty seconds. These are my selections for the best Christmas commercials I have seen.

1 Coffee Ad. This first one reminds me of the day my son came home from Africa. We missed him last Christmas.

2 Toys for Tots. Not all kids in America are fortunate to have gifts under the tree.

3 Kay Jewelers. A young family celebrates its first Christmas.

4 Skating Priests. It is a longer (2 minute) commercial that plays like a mini-movie.

5 Tide hand-washing. A Filipino ad where a woman is so engrossed with a radio program while she washes clothes.

Bonus: Bad Dog Ruins Christmas. This is not an ad, but it looks like one.

How about that? Six stories in about six minutes.

My wish is for great stories, told in whatever medium, that make us stop and listen and watch.

UPDATE: December 2011 - The Coca Cola Happiness Project. If you liked the five ads above, get ready to be blown away by this.

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