Thursday, December 17, 2009

Day 4: Chain around the world

Wish 4: Stop Chain Letters

OK, a lot of you won't like what I'm about to wish here. You probably already took me out of your "forward to" mailing list. That's because over the past decade, I've been shooting down chain letters.

Guys, this is for your own good: Stop forwarding chain letters.

You know what they look like. They have the message "forward this to your friends..." at the end. Sometimes, it includes the dire warning "...or else!..."

I've heard your reasoning. You say, hey, what's the harm. You say, I've got nothing to lose. You also say, I'm doing you a favor. But as long as it asks you to forward the message as part of the message, it is a chain letter that is playing on your emotions.

What emotions are these? Here are just a few. Empathy is one. Just recently, a chain letter went out regarding a child who was going to have his last Christmas alive. Over 25,000 people responded with greeting cards and money. It's 2009, and still so many people fell for this hoax. This story is over two decades old, and just gets rehashed.

How about fear? If you don't forward this email, bad luck will follow you. Come on. The worst thing that has happened is that the sender was inconsiderate enough to give you this fear over nothing. You should politely tell your sender that you are not superstitious.

The Guilt Chain Letter is my number 1 enemy. The worst letters I've read say that you are not a good Christian, or a good parent, or a good neighbor, or even a good human being, if you don't forward the chain letter. The letter even has a few inspiring pictures, or a prayer. You're hooked because you like those messages... up to the point where non-action will lead to poor self worth.

Remember that for every chain letter you come across, there was a crafty author who wants to see how far around the world this new hoax will travel.

When is a letter not a chain letter? When you send it to someone without any call for action to forward it. If there is a message you like to send someone, just send it without the last command, "Please forward this to..." That last sentence ruins it for me, even though I know the sender wants to wish me well.

Wish 4 is an end to all chain letters. Yes, all chain letters. If you send a message, don't ask to forward it. Let that decision be the receiver's.

"Chain Mail International" is an award-winning short film parodying the chain letter. Have a look at it at

Before you go, I want you to forward this blog to 10 friends within the next 14 seconds. Otherwise you are a naughty person whom Santa will not give a gift to this year, and your body will be covered in Tazmanian warts within 24 hours.

1 comment:

man about town said...

Additionally, if you're a Catholic, especially a good one, the Catholic Church frowns on this practice.