Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Day 4: Butt out “But”

Wish 4: Constructive Criticism Done Right

Everyone is a critic. And there are a few who think they know what’s right for you.

And even if they are correct, the manner in which they tell you what’s wrong is not really constructive at all.

In many cases, they just complain and then tell you what to do. “You know what’s wrong?” is usually followed by “You should…”

The difficult critics are those who pretend to think only of your welfare, or pretend to like something. And then they use the word “but”. From the tone alone, you can tell the word “but” is about to come.

Before I wish for an end to insincere ‘constructive’ criticism, I think I should look inside myself. That’s because I’ve been a horrible critic too.

Even though I know I shouldn’t meddle, I do. I could let my emotion get in the way. I could criticize because of spite, and not of concern. I know I should use the word “and” instead of “but”, and I forget. I know I should sandwich the criticism with a person’s value and contribution, and I omit.

If I’ve stepped on anyone’s toes, then I apologize. My wish for today is to be more considerate when I think I want to give negative feedback.

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